League Sanction Fee

BCA Pool League membership is required at a one-time per year cost of $20

Annual Format

The league operates on two sessions per year. The amount of weeks per session will be determined by the amount of teams and the amount of playable weeks. This league is a cash league. Any player with 8 plays in a single session is eligible to play in the BCA World Championship in Las Vegas to be held Feb 22- March 4, 2023. The World Championship consists of several events: 8 ball teams, 9 ball teams, 8 ball singles, 9 ball singles, 8 ball scotch doubles, and ladies divisions. Players are eligible for all of these events with just 8 plays in a single session.

Adding Players/Sub Players/Double Up Players

In the first 8 weeks you may:

  1. Add/Drop a player
  2. Use a Sub player (must be a sanctioned BCA member)
  3. Double up a player (the opposing team will choose the player)

If you are short a player after the first 8 weeks, you may double up a player up until the final 4 weeks of the session. The opposing team will choose the player to double up.

If you are short a player in the final 4 weeks it will be the opposing team’s option to allow you to double up a player or forfeit the player. If a player is forfeited, the average of the highest player and lowest player will be used as the missing players rating.

** Survival of the team—If a team loses players during the session due to unforeseen circumstances such as: moving, illness, job change, etc., the league operator reserves the right to allow the team to add players. Players added after week 8 must be approved by the league operator.


    The team standings will be determined by Total Rounds Won. At the end of the session if two teams have the same amount of rounds won, the team with the highest total points would be ranked higher. If the two teams also had the same number of total points, then th e team with more total games won would be ranked higher. Team standings will be determined in this order:



      All teams are eligible for playoffs. The top 4 teams at the end of the session will qualify for the main playoff. The bottom teams will play in a second chance playoff. Players MUST play 8 matches in the regular session to qualify for playoffs. Teams are not eligible for playoffs if league dues are not paid in full. Payouts are based upon the amount of participating teams and the amount of weeks per session. All payouts will be posted at the start of the session. In the event a team drops out, the payouts will be adjusted accordingly.

      Make Ups

      From time to time it is necessary to reschedule a match. Both team captains must agree to reschedule and the match must be played within 2 weeks. No make up matches will be allowed in the last 4 weeks of the session unless the match is played before the next scheduled league match.

      Start Time

      Play starts at 7:30pm. If a team is running late or waiting for players to arrive they will have until 7:50pm to start the match. Players absent will be allowed to make up the first two rounds if he/she arrives before the beginning of the third round. A player arriving after the beginning of the 3rd round will be allowed to play the remainder of games and a Win Forfeit (WF) will be given for the games missed.


      Each match has 6 rounds (6 points per match)- 5 regular rounds and 1 overall point round.

      Tied Rounds

      • Rounds 1-5 – Ties are determined by the team with the most number of winning games in that round (the team with 3 wins)
      • Round 6 (Total Point Round) – Both teams will receive .5 for that round

      Scoring each game – The winner will receive 10 points and the loser will receive 1 point for every ball made

      Scoresheet Codes – Be sure to mark these on your scoresheets so data is entered correctly into the LMS.

      • Break and Run – Place a BR in the winner’s score box or circle the 10
      • Table Run – Place a TR in the winner’s box if the winner ran the table in the first inning
      • Forfeit – Place a WF in the winner’s box and a zero in the loser’s box. This ensures that teams receive the games they are entitled to, but individual player scores are not affected. The games do not go into individual stats and are not reported to FargoRate because they are not actually played.

      8 Ball Game Rules

      For the complete rule book please visit www.palmbeachbca.com
      Please note some rules are modified for local league play

      • Rack your own. A stripe and solid must be in each corner of the rack and the 8 ball in the middle
      • You cannot win or lose on the break. If you make the 8 on the break it is your option to rerack and break or spot the 8 ball and continue shooting. If you make the 8 and scratch it is the opponents option to spot the 8 ball and take ball in hand, or rerack and break.
      • Open after the break. The 8 ball is NOT neutral but may be used in the middle of a combination shot.
      • Ball in hand is anywhere on the table, even after the break
      • It is NOT a loss if you scratch while shooting the 8 ball as long as the 8 ball stays on the table
      • It is a loss if you make the 8 ball and scratch, shoot the 8 ball in early, or shoot the 8 ball in the wrong pocket
      • Call your Shots– Call the ball and pocket. Obvious shots do not need to be called.
      • Disturbed Balls– If a disturbed ball has no effect on the outcome of the shot, your opponent has the option to leave the disturbed ball where it came to rest or to restore it back to its original position before the next shot. It is a foul if you restore a ball without the permission of your opponent. It is a foul if you disturb more than one ball. If a single disturbed ball falls into a pocket with no effect on the outcome your opponent has the restoration option. However, if the disturbed ball is considered the game winning ball, it must be restored.
      • Jumped Balls– It is a foul if you cause any ball to jump off the table. The ball stays down and its ball in hand for your opponent. If you jump the 8 ball off the table it’s a loss of game.
      • Coaching– Every player is allowed 1 timeout per game.

      Playoffs/Prize Money

      All Playoffs are played on Monday nights

      Round 1
      Match #1 5 vs. 10
      Match #2 6 vs. 9
      Match #3 7 vs. 8
      Two highest seed winners move to round 2 – lowest seed team advances to round 3

      Round 2
      Match #1 1 vs. 4
      Match #2 2 vs. 3
      Match #3 Two highest seed winners of round 1
      *All teams from match #1 & #2 move to round 3, winner of match #3 moves to round 3

      Round 3 – Money Matches
      Payouts (Teams 1-4)
      1st $4000
      2nd $2000
      3rd $1200
      4th $800

      Second Chance (Teams 5-10)
      1st $1000
      2nd $500

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